Living Free: Naturism & Our World

In This Issue: Does Social Media Help Or Hinder Naturism? - A Little Realignment - Broadening The Effort Will Ensure Naturism’s Place In Society - Cheers To 90 Years @Lupin Lodge - ‘Hidden Ladies’ Wins Greek Architecture Award - Santa Stroll Returns To San Francisco - Is Christmas A Time To Reveal All? - A Naked Encounter - Gleanings

Available in either PDF or Physical (print-on-demand) version in our Naturist Marketplace.


Living Free: Naturism & Our World, which launched as a subscription-based e-zine, is now being offered in the form of a newsletter, with articles going directly to your email inbox as they are created. The stories then are compiled into a quarterly e-zine in PDF format that allows subscribers to print the magazine themselves. There also is the option of ordering a print-on-demand version for a traditional magazine look and feel.

Living Free is all about living as a naturist, not simply focusing on resorts and travel, as most other naturist publications do. We hold that it is not necessary to travel to exotic locations or go to secluded beaches or resorts to enjoy nude living; it can be done at home, in the backyard, around the pool, or on a hike.

Naturism is a way of life that may incorporate broader spiritual and philosophical awareness as well as concerns about health and exercise, reflecting our place in the world. Naturism is about a search for truth, understanding, and growth; it is about living a better life; it is about nurturing curiosity and acceptance of others, and spreading knowledge of our discoveries.

At the base of our gymnosophy is the belief that the naked human body is inherently decent, beautiful, and dignified. Living Free promotes this view by cultural education and encouraging readers to practice social nudity when reasonable and appropriate. We present the nude body in its true, integral, holistic light. Rather than denying certain parts of the body, we believe that, by placing them in their rightful, God-given context, bodies are not shameful but, rather, worthy of admiration. With such an approach, those who now oppose nudity will be unable to raise a legitimate objection. By sharing our experiences, we also help those who may be struggling to reconcile the naturist philosophy with what society and their prior upbringing have taught them.

Our World

In addition to articles focusing on naturism, Living Free offers perspectives on “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey used to say. Naturists do not live in a vacuum and what is happening in the broader community has an impact on how naturists live. We are interested in stories about people, how they deal with life’s obstacles, and how they transcend difficulties.

Living Free also carries stories about the arts and works of fiction, poetry, and opinion.

We also occasionally offer video clips from our interviews.

This is intended as an eclectic look at what’s going on, both inside and about us. Your contributions are welcome.

Rebirth of the Magazine

We took a unique approach in launching the e-zine, offering subscriptions that gave readers a chance to view the individual articles as they were completed, as well as providing PDFs of each quarterly collection, and offering a traditional magazine as a print-on-demand option. Living Free grew out of the former Naturist Life International, a traditional print magazine, but has gone through various iterations as it grew. Today, we make the articles available through Substack subscriptions.

Click on the image above to sign up for a free or paid subscription so you don’t miss anything.

Living Free No. 1

Premiere Issue

Order Past Issues of Living Free HERE

Stories & Photos Wanted

Please share your own thoughts and experiences, and earn money doing so. We welcome letters, poems, essays, articles, and photographs. Details HERE

We adhere to the 10 tenets of the NLI* Credo:

  1. We appreciate all of nature and believe it is an ideal context for nudity.

  2. We appreciate all of nature and believe it is an ideal context for nudity.

  3. EveryBODY is beautiful.

  4. We are family-oriented.

  5. We promote nudity in everyday life, not merely recreation.

  6. Naturism is more than skin-deep; substantial gymnosophy underlies our nudity.

  7. Nudity is not a pretext for lust.

  8. We revere tradition while welcoming truly wise change.

  9. We deeply respect religion, without promoting any particular creed.

  10. Our nudity is unabashed but not exhibitionist.

* Naturist Life International